A program that uses rich, indigenous stories to address the unintended chasm between African-born immigrant vendors and the communities in which they live.
A program that uses rich, indigenous stories to address the unintended chasm between African-born immigrant vendors and the communities in which they live.
Mayu Inoue is a graphic designer from Tokyo. She studied Education at Waseda University in Tokyo and then graduated from Pantheon-Sorbonne University in Paris with a Masters in Social Development. Since then, she’s worked on multiple foreign aid projects such as local industry promotion and community empowerment in developing countries. She studied graphic design in Tokyo and New York and has lived and worked in Senegal, Niger, Burkina Faso, Kenya, Malawi, Ghana, Morocco, Jordan, and Paris. She believes in empowering local industries by visual design.
Mayu is currently based in Tokyo, Japan where she works in brand concept design and visual identity creation at TWOPLATOON inc. For more information on her and her work you can visit her portfolio website at www.mayuinoue.com.