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Hataat (In My Hand)

In a typical small village in western India, people’s income is completely dependent on agriculture. Most people work as laborers on land they don’t own, for a daily wage of less than two dollars. My hypothesis is that a new experience, which makes saving tangible, flexible, personalized (and fun) will motivate them to overcome the barriers to save for their goals (beginning with short term goals, like objects for the home, which will motivate saving as a long term activity.)

Tanvi Kareer

Tanvi Kareer is from Mumbai, India and earned a degree in textile design from the National Institute of Design, India. Working and interacting with textile crafts and communities, she has a deep interest in the challenges that many communities face in India and the world. She comes to DSI with a passion for design to help engage people beyond the product, and convert thoughts to action.

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